
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Fact Checks for Catholics" by William Schuch

My fellow Catholics are entitled to fact checks regarding the Vatican's determination to fight against growing international support for legalizing same sex marriage and against contraception.
As recently as 2011, the Williams Institute, a think-tank devoted to LGBT research, estimated 9 million Americans identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender – homosexuals by nature, not by choice. Does anybody really believe that recognition of same-sex marriage imperils the institution of heterosexual marriage? Marriage was in trouble long before homosexuals began pouring out of the closet.

Since 2005, the Knights of Columbus, the obedient servant of the Hierarchy, has spent almost sixteen million dollars to support the Defense of Marriage Act and discriminate against our homosexual sisters and brothers, not to mention expenditures of our money by the Hierarchy for that purpose. Do you really believe Christ expects these of his children and perhaps 250 million homosexuals worldwide, to be celibates and forgo the rights, support and dignity of committed relationships? Get real.

Regarding the Hierarchy's and its sycophants' numerous legal assaults on the Government's requirement that contraception be covered, 67 of the members, including cardinals, bishops and theologians, of the 74 person Papal Birth Control Commission, disagreed with the non-infallible birth control encyclical, Humane Vitae which has never been accepted as binding by most informed Catholics.

Since then, several million monogamous women in sub-Saharan Africa have died of AIDS because papal sycophants in the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops have forbidden Catholic Relief Services to distribute condoms although six non-African national conferences of Catholic bishops have publicly declared use of condoms to be a moral imperative if an HIV-positive partner insists on sex with a non-infected partner. Under Vatican policy, CRS is guaranteed an inexhaustible supply of innocent dying women to care for. How perverse and un-Christian is that scenario?

Wm. J. Schuch
Naples, FL

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