
Friday, February 7, 2014

Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin's Planetary Mind and our Spiritual Evolution/ The Power of Collaborative Creativity
The institutional Roman Catholic Church did not let Chardin, the twentieth century scientist and priest, publish his books during his lifetime. The Vatican could not handle his visionary views then, now look where the world is with cultural evolution! In the 21st century, the Vatican affirms evolution! 
Chardin  who was a "stretcher- bearer" in World War 1, wrote in 1920's: "Each of us is linked..." Teilhard wanted to write a symphony to express the music of the universe.  He speaks about the Cosmic Christ where God is everywhere. "Let us be an atom in the Body of Christ." God is at work in life which is all-embracing and inter-connected. He wrote:"I , your priest, will make the whole earth my altar"

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